Heading:Sediments Study Tools and Techniques.
Introduction:What techniques do scientists use to study ocean Sediments?
Scientists also study sediments using seismic refraction.This is a technique that involves using an air gun and a hydrophone.
Every 1st sentence:As you would expect, modern oceanographers use tools far more sophisticated than those used a hundred years ago to study the ocean bottom.
Visuals and Vocabulary:
End of reading:N/A
Title:The Study of Sediments.
Heading:Stratigraphy and Paleoceanography.
Introduction:How do scientists use ocean sediments to study the past?
Scientists use deep-sea stratigraphy to look for clues, such as rock composition, microfossils, deposition patterns, and other physical properties.
Every 1st sentence:AS you will learn in more detail shortly, sedimentation is an on going process.
Visuals and Vocabulary:
End of reading: